Israel is a country located in the very west of Asia and the Middle East. It has a population of approximately 9 million people, where of 700,000 live in the historical capital, Jerusalem. The second and third largest cities, Tel-Aviv and Haifa, are both located on the Israeli coast of the Mediterranean.
The official currency in Israel is the Israeli Shekel, which is equivalent of 0.30 Euro. Israel has a stable economy and a remarkably high HDI of 0.919, putting it at position 19 out of 198 countries.
Expats are moving to work in Israel for many reasons. Many are fascinated by its rich, ancient culture, as it's been named the “Holy Land” in several religious books. It is the country with the highest number of museums per capita in the world, meaning you will always have things to see. It also has a very pleasant climate characterized by mild winters and long hot summers.
As a lot of big international companies has their offices here, such as IBM, HP, Huawei & PayPal, working in Israel often comes with great career opportunities. The minimum salary in Israel is around €1,500, higher than Spain and not much less than France.
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