Why search for a job in December?
December is upon us once again and it’s time to celebrate and look back on the year that has passed. It is also a time when we look toward the new year and think about our goals and dreams. Work is an important part of life. We spend around 40 hours a week working and we do that for most of our adult life.
Be ahead of the curve
January is a month when people are making big changes, because of their new goals for the coming year. Changing jobs is quite normal in this period and there are many applicants. We as a recruitment company see this every year. This also means that it would be harder to get the job you want since there are so many other people applying for the same jobs. If we could give you a tip, it would be to maybe be a bit more clever and apply for a job in December. If you do that you will have a much higher chance of getting the job you are looking for. Be ahead of the curve!

Experience Christmas abroad
The Christmas period is an important time for many and all over the world, Christmas is celebrated in different ways. One of the positive things about working in another country is that you are able to experience this celebration. Additional to the different celebrations and traditions, you also the different cuisines. Every country, maybe even region or city has its own type of food for Christmas. In Norway for instance, we have food that we normally don’t make or serve the rest of the year, so the only opportunity to eat this type of food is during Christmas. If you are moving abroad for a new experience, why not take the opportunity to experience one of the biggest celebrations of the year.

Companies still have the budget to hire!
Indeed, as the end of the year approaches, business does not stop and companies still need workers. Moreover, it is common to have many people who resign to go to new horizons in December, and therefore many places are available.
We have many job opportunities open at the moment, some already in December, but also some that start in the new year.
Additionally, we have many internal positions from the new year. Beneath is an overview of all the open positions and the internal positions.