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It’s hard sometimes to be on a look out for a new challenge. There are times when the job suggestions, proposals are flooding in and then there are also times where you apply on 20 different jobs without anybody replying to you. And then of course, the worst part. Applying for a job, doing the interview, the whole process & eventually being rejected.It’s not always easy but it’s part of the job search process and unsuccessful applications help us shape our careers as much as successes does. 

Something to keep in mind is that right now we’re dealing with a very volatile job market. Spiking unemployment rates due to the global pandemic are turning candidate’s markets of the past years into an employer’s market. Businesses begin to reopen slowly but surely, the applications some industries receive are skyrocketing. On the other hand, some industries are also showing incredible needs for specific markets, languages, profiles. 

Of course, jobseekers will always apply to multiple positions in order to increase their chances in finding employment. But the fact they get rejected more often because of this shouldn’t discourage them. It’s a necessary part of the job search process and can result in opportunities for growth, long-term career success & growth.

Ask for feedback

If you want to improve on anything basically,it’s always important to ask for feedback so you can grow & improve. Constructive criticism is one of the most important tools in the workplace. By contacting the hiring manager after the rejection, candidates can gain valuable information on what went wrong & what they should improve on their interviewing & self-promotion skills. Also,it could be possible that when the company that just rejected your application will be more interested in your profile for future roles because you’d be demonstrating your willingness to seek out criticism in order to improve yourself. 

Research successful employees

If you ever got rejected for a position, it will probably be filled by somebody else later on. A way to gain insights is to do some research on who they eventually hired by searching them upby title & employer on LinkedIn. Also, the other employees that work for said company can be a source of information on what kinds of profiles the company had hired.So you can compare it to your profile, your CV & see what went wrong & why.

Develop a plan

If you manage to identify the qualifications & experience that have made others successful for their desired roles, you can start to formulate a plan based on this. What steps do you need to take to accomplish success, what’s the timeline for this.There is always something job seekers can do better to better themselves, improving their knowledge and skills to gain an advantage over their competitors. 

Refocus your efforts

The final opportunity a rejection offers is the fact it provides you with a chance to reassess your goals & refocus your efforts. If a pattern of rejections persists, there may be a disconnect between a candidate’s abilities & their goals. Not every goal is accomplishable, of course setting up high ambitions is good but it’s also good to adapt when something isn’t working out. Job seekers shouldn’t be afraid to ask advice from managers, mentors or career counsellors in order to ensure their career goals are realistic & achievable.

If you want any help or tips regarding your job hunt abroad you can always contact me on jean-nicolas@multilingualjobsworldwide.com